photography,surf,action sports, fine-art,prints,photographer,wave,Hawaii,photographie,water housing . Copyright stephane Lacasa 2012
Sunday, February 21, 2010
wave anatomy.
Trochoidal motion of wind wavesWhile one normally associates an up and down motion with the passage of each wave. Actually, a circular motion occurs. It is this orbital motion of the water (or objects on the surface of the water) that causes an object to bob up and down, forward and backward as waves pass under it.
But even this motion is not exactly circular but is trochoidal (line form traced by a point on a rolling wheel). While the motion in a wave over deep water move is an almost closed circular path there is a tiny forward motion with the passage of each wave, particularly in large waves.
The change of motion for deep water wavesAlso, in deep water, the motion changes as the depth increases fairly rapidly. The trochoidal shape at the surface flattens with increasing depth as well as a decrease in the total motion. This flattening of motion/decreasing size continues with increasing depth until all that remains is a small back and forth movement and even that will cease to be noticed which occurs at one-half of the waves's total length. For shallow water waves, the same flattening in the motion occurs but there is no decrease in the forward/backward motion.
The speed at which a wave moves through the water is dependent on the wave's length and the depth of the water. Generally, the longer the length of the wave the faster is moves through the water. Tsunamis can have extremely long wave lengths (60 miles/100 km or more) and thus move around 550 mph (900 kph).
Thursday, February 11, 2010
apeture 3
“Millions of people love using iPhoto to organize, edit and share their digital photos,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “Aperture 3 is designed for both professionals who edit and manage massive libraries of photos and iPhoto users who want to take their photos further with easy-to-use tools such as Brushes and Adjustment Presets.”
“Aperture 3 gets it right,” said National Geographic photographer, Jim Richardson. “The image editing tools are exactly what I have been asking for, they’re so easy to use and give me a level of control that I never even thought possible.
“I chose Aperture because it was the most powerful archiving application around, but it’s now an unbelievable imaging tool as well,” said Bill Frakes, Sports Illustrated staff photographer. “I am beyond impressed with the massive changes made in Aperture 3.”
Aperture 3 allows you to organize large photo libraries with even more flexibility using Projects and the new Faces and Places. Faces uses face detection and recognition to find and organize your photos by the people in them. You can view faces across your entire photo library or view just the faces that appear in selected projects. In a new view that speeds up the organization process, Aperture 3 displays faces that have been detected but haven’t yet been named. Places lets you explore your photos based on where they were taken, and like in iPhoto, Places automatically reverse geocodes GPS data into user-friendly locations. In Aperture 3, you can assign locations by dragging-and-dropping photos onto a map or by using location information from GPS enabled cameras, tracking devices or your iPhone® photos.
The new Brushes feature allows you to add professional touches to your photos by simply painting effects onto the image. Aperture 3 includes 15 Quick Brushes that perform the most popular tasks like Dodge, Burn, Polarize and Blur, without the complexity of layers or masks. Brushes can automatically detect edges in your images to let you apply or remove effects exactly where you want them. Aperture 3 includes dozens of Adjustment Presets that apply a specific style or look to the entire image with just a click. You can create your own custom presets or explore the techniques of other photographers by importing theirs.
Friday, February 5, 2010
2010 HONOLUA Legends contest
Tyler Larronde Dominated the prestigious junior Men's division on his brand new 5'5" Kazuma. Tyler is the latest addition to the Kazuma surf team. Joao Marco Maffini finished 3rd Open men.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Jeremy Flores,back in the water ,

The French prodigy, a former ASP World Qualifying Series (WQS) champion in 2006 and ASP Roookie of the Year in 2007, went on rehabilitation in France after an ankle and foot injury forced him to pull out from the last three events of last year’s ASP World Tour, but is now ready to hit the line-up again.
Despite missing the Billabong Pro Mundaka, the Rip Curl Pro Search and the Billabong Pipeline Masters, Flores finished his 2010 campaign ranked inside the requalifying group, an impressive result for the 21 year-old phenomenon.
Coming back from a long break that kept him out of the water (October, November and December), Flores is back in good form to get things going again and be ready for the 2010 ASP World Tour launch on the Gold Coast of Australia, at the end of February.
“I am really happy to be able to get back in the water,” Flores said. “My foot feels good and that long break from competitive surfing gave me the opportunity to do things that I usually can’t do. Therefore, I think that injury was a good experience for me.”
Flores, who got back to surfing in the Canary Islands in January, seems to be finding his way back to his best form and will be much awaited for his 2010 start.
“I felt pretty good during that quick trip to the Canary Islands and I needed to spend time in the water,” Flores said. “I am super motivated to get back to work and start off the 2010 ASP World Tour well with the first event in Australia.”
With another three weeks before the Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast kicks off on the Gold Coast of Australia (Feb. 27 to March 10), Flores will be surfing, training physically and will spend a few days with the French national team who is currently on a training camp in Australia as well.
on Jeremy Flores, log on to and check out his profile
Jeremy Flores,quiksilver,surfing,sports,surf |